HIROO English

English Rice Planting Camp

【Learning English naturally through our rice planting camp】

Day 1

Children use their sensorial touch to feel mud in a rice field at Tateshina, Nagano, Japan.
This was a great opportunity to escape our busy urban life to experience a slower pace rural life. Our students were accompanied by both our Native English teachers and Native Japanese teachers. Our students also had the chance to stay overnight to learn self independance!

In the rice paddies, the children were surprised to feel the mud on their hands and feet for the first time. They were so excited to see each other’s muddy bodies and shouted 「muddy monster!!」 excitedly.  While taking the bus, they learned about 「rice planting」 and 「seedlings」. Afterwards, they were able to use their newly acquired knowledge to plant seeds.

Day 2

On the second day, we made our own scarecrows! Our Native English teachers explained What a scarecrow is, and what is it for. It was very heartwarming to see everyone’s teamwork. Everyone worked together to carry the straw and construct a huge scarecrow with the teachers.

The children’s faces were shining with excitement! They were so proud of their various experiences and accomplishments within their short time alongside the great nature of Tateshina.

The next English camp will be held from August 10 to 12, and is open to all children aged 3 and older.

We also have a rice harvesting event in October and ski camp in February. We also have various special events(Seasonal programmes) and Saturday School.If you are interested, please come visit us!