Poppins Hawaii

Babysitting services and fun kids club program available for children 3month+ at licensed childcare facility with licensed caregivers/teachers on-site. We offer a variety of daily activities, such as ocean creations, Hawaiian crafts, field trips to local museums, swimming at the Sheraton pool and more!

Poppins Keiki Hawaii


Poppins Keiki Hawaii(Sheraton Waikiki Beach Resort)

3 months old to 12 years old Poppins Keiki Hawaii
(Sheraton Waikiki Beach Resort)

Overlooking beautiful Waikiki Beach. A State of Hawaii licensed facility .


Why Poppins Keiki Hawaii

  • ホテルゲストに限らず、誰でもご利用可能

    All guest are welcomed (including guests not staying at Sheraton Waikiki)

  • ハワイ州ライセンス保持のスタッフが対応

    Staff with up to date license staff

  • 日本人スタッフが常駐しているので予約も安心

    English and Japanese speaking staff

  • Webサイトからの事前予約可能

    Make easy reservation via website

  • 英語での対応も可能

    International environment

  • 3かの赤ちゃんから受け入れ

    Service for infants from 3 months

  • 短時間でも預けられる(3時間から)

    Available from 3 hours service

  • キッズルームからワイキキビーチ一望

    Beautiful views from the room


Kids Program

2.6 to 12 years old

Variety of Hawaiian activities (Ocean crafts and Hawaiian Lei making, Volcano creation and more!)

Location Poppins Keiki Hawaii (Sheraton Waikiki Beach Resort)
Available age 2.6 to 12 years old
Price half day $140~ (9:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00)
1 day $280~ (9:00-16:00)
Notes Price includes activity related fees. We offer a monthly plan for residential or commuter attendees; Please contact us for details.
Contact hawaii-info@poppins.co.jp
*English or Japanese Babysitter services

Babysitter services

3 months old to 2.5 years old

The Infant/Toddler Room is licensed by the State of Hawaii to take care of children in a safe and secure environment.

  • お子様のご様子に合わせた丁寧なお預かりをしています。

    Short-time drop-offs are available (from a minimum of 3 hours).

  • お子様のご様子に合わせた丁寧なお預かりをしています。

    We provide careful care for your child(ren)’s needs.

Location Poppins Keiki Hawaii (Sheraton Waikiki Beach Resort)
Available age 3 months old to 2.5 years old
Opening hour 9:00-18:00 / *extended 7:00-9:00 / 18:00-22:00
Price $60/hour * $70/hour for extended hour
Notes * Reservation opened 3 months in advance * We pay extra attention to allergy restrictions * Drop in is acceptable if there is a remaining seat * Price varies depending on seasons and Hawaii State holidays
Contact hawaii-info@poppins.co.jp
*English or Japanese

Coral Kids Club


Coral Kids Club(Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort)

5 to 12 years old Coral Kids Club by Poppins
(OUTRIGGER Reef Waikiki Beach Resort)

Variety of Hawaiian activities (Ocean crafts, Hawaiian Lei making, Sand Art and more!)

  • Sea-inspired Kids’ room
  • Safe and secure childcare
  • Variety of programs to learn more about Hawaii

All guest from below resorts are welcomed

・OUTRIGGER Reef Waikiki Beach Resort
・OUTRIGGER Waikiki Beach Resort
・OUTRIGGER Waikiki Beachcomber Hotel
・OHANA Waikiki East by OUTRIGGER
・Embassy Suites Waikiki Beach Walk

Location Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort
Available age 5 to 12 years old
Price half day $140~ (9:00-12:00 / 13:00-16:00)
Full day Price 1 day $240~ (9:00-16:00)
Notes *Price includes activity related fees *Price varies depending on the season
Contact outrigger-info@poppins.co.jp
*English or Japanese

Babysitter dispatch services


Babysitter dispatch services

3 months old Babysitting Service

English or Japanese speaking staff


example of use

  • ・we appreciated that the services were offered during our wedding and parties
  • ・it was helpful to have babysitter at our accommodation
Location Waikiki based. Alamoana and other areas are accepted with additional commuting fee
Available age 3 months old~
Price $60/hour 9:00-18:00 * $70/hour for 7:00-9:00 / 18:00-22:00
Full day Price $70~ 7:00-9:00 18:00-22:00
Notes * Reservation available starting for 3 hours * Price varies depending on seasons
Contact hawaii-info@poppins.co.jp
*English or Japanese

Babysitter during Events


Babysitter during Events

Event Childcare

*Honolulu marathon, conferences, company-wide events etc.

example of use

・English or Japanese speaking staffs

  • ご要望に応じて英語レッスンやクラフト等、お子様が楽しめるブースをご用意いたします。

    We offer enjoyable Kids Programs that include entertaining ocean crafts, activities and more.

  • 弊社保育スタッフとのバイリンガル環境での交流も魅力です。

    English or Japanese speaking staff


Please feel free to contact us.


Contact in Japan

Operating Hours:
Monday – Friday 9:00 -18:00

Hawaii Local Contacts

Poppins Keiki Hawaii at Sheraton Waikiki Hotel

Operating Hours:
Open all year round / Hawaii Local Time 9:00 – 18:00(Japan time 4:00 – 13:00)

※Service in Japanese available.

Coral Kids Club at Outrigger Reef Waikiki Beach Resort Hotel

Operating Hours:
Open all year round / Hawaii Local Time 9:00 – 16:00(Japan time 4:00 – 11:00)

※Service in Japanese available.