
Nursery Services

Nursery and Education Facilities

Providing the optimal environment for the essential stage of your child’s development

What is EduCare?

The term ‘EduCare’ is a portmanteau of the words “education” and “child care,” and is a form of child care that stands ahead of its time. At Poppins, we have developed a technique known as the “Poppins Approach” — a technique implementing the most advanced concepts from early childhood education and neuroscience, that incorporate the expertise of those from Stanford University, and other leading educational institutions. Our firm provides an optimal environment for realizing the potential of each individual child.

Facilities Providing EduCare: #1

Early Child Education School

Through Poppins ‘EduCare’ system, a state of the art program based on cooperation with prominent educational institutions both in and outside of Japan, we provide three styles of facilities.
Through these facilities, we further refine a child’s intellect and sensitivities and maximize their potential.

  • ALS
    (Active Learning School)

    Poppins Active Learning School provides a state of the art curriculum in tandem with superior English language education–it is an amalgamation of the knowledge gained from Poppins specialized research into early childhood education. This is an infant/early childhood care center born under the supervision of Professor Ben Mardell of Early Childhood Education Research team, together with distinguished professor Nobuko Uchida of Ochanomizu Women’s University. Our program educates children in the English language, music, art, and also “Kid’s Life Saving” – a program placing focus on instilling in children an ability to protect oneself from harm from injury or accidents. The combination of all of these elements guarantees for an education style like no other.

    (Poppins Active Learning International School)

    PALIS is a state-of-the-art international learning environment, based on the British style of infant & early childhood education(0-5 years).
    The core of our curriculum focuses on global education.
    Our programme allows children to enjoy themselves and satisfy their curiosity.
    We also enable them to intensively and effectively acquire proficiency in both English and Japanese.

  • EDU School

    The EDU School is a program focused on allowing children to make their own self-directed decisions about their education, while expanding their potential to hold themselves accountable and move themselves to take action. Through a finely-tuned method of education and a limited number of students, we will guide your children to success in gaining acceptance from a variety of prestigious kindergarten facilities and elementary schools.

Facilities Providing EduCare: #2

Nursery School

The Nursery School is a facility geared to children as young as newborns that implements the Poppins approach to education. Our goal here is to carefully nurture the individuality and potential of each and every child, while also providing them with a comprehensive education in this crucial period of their lives. Our unique policy towards education is to foster an understanding of foreign cultures as well as an understanding of one’s own country, while also allowing for children to interact and connect with those of a variety of different ages.

Our Policy Towards Education

  1. People of Tolerance
  2. People of Compassion and Wisdom
  3. People of Insatiable Curiosity
  4. People Empowered to Excel Within Global Society


With 320 locations nationwide, we comprehensively operate nursery schools and educational facilities across the country, including nursery schools, after-school childcare, international preschools, and childcare facilities in companies, universities, and hospitals.